
Monday, November 18, 2013


1st early shabbos - change clock. Got text miracle if make it to ess.. Truthfully every yid is miraculous that we were able to make shabbos.
I always thought friday's height of tirdos olam hazeh & arrival of shabbos are coincidental....
Vayeilech charanah. Yehuda's Rebbi asked let it say l'charan? Answered (chassidish) he had k'fitzas derech so vayilech charan to yakov!
Sound s cute. But y reuvaini brings from asara mamaros (rma mipanu) yakov instituted maariv. Tefiah is mechper like korbon & korbon atones - v'chiper b'ad beiso ub'ad kol yisrael. Can't institute tefilah without bayis. - HE WENT TO CHARAN SAW RACHEL & CAME BACK & INSTITUTED MA'ARIV.

even though tefilah requires DISENGAGEMENT from tirdos. so much so that the Rambam says 3days back from business trip patur from tefilah, however ones family is not tirdah to diengage from ad'raba - a shliach tzibur is supposed to be married & with a family to support. This is a t'nai for tefilah!

so when it comes to shabbos we have to learn how to disengage from olam hazeh complete detachment. vayisa yakov raglav - slonim. But taking care of family is not a tirda. Its a tnai for the sha'ar hashamayim

Vayisa yakov raglav


What caused vateitzei dina? tanchuma can lady go out w ir zahav? Mahril shaichis? answers yakov gave dinah ir zahav of sh'chem & she went to see b'vnos ha'aretz the buildings of the land if it matched!
Ir zahav is tachshit of prime srarah - chashivus.

Gra gaavah 1/8 pasuk 1/8 parsha katonti

we see theme - avoiding gavah.

Y. Shmoni right bef. Dinah - yakov made mizbeach & called 'Eil' - Hashem said srarah? - watch what will happen to your own daughter!
Vayeitzei tanchumah yakov X go up scared of fall. -1) Dream! X dream means x goals! 2) X fear failure. Climb! may never fall.