
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Ki savo

V'anisa v'amarta. Rashi saus bkol ram.

Strange sifri. Mikan amru that at first those that could would say and the others, someone read for them...
How is this mikan amru?

Chanukas hatorah connects this Rashi with the next - arami oived avi - by asking how can one raise his voice - isnt that a display of k'tanei amunah? He answers with the next rashi tgat lavan thought to destroy... Since we are mentioning Hashem's knowledge of a person's thoughts its obvious we're not raising our voices due to lack of emunah.

Id like to offer another answer. Only by tefilah is it an issue. But when we praise Hashem, like the ramban says the institution of batei knesios is to publicly announce 'briosecha anachnu'!

Based on this perhaps we can say that here the kol ram is me'akev. So the sifri says mikan amru - since it must be aloud, one who could say it
Aloud would but if he
Couldn't, someone who can say it loud had to read for him even if the person was able to read. The loud proclamation had to be.

May Hashem give us a lot to praise him for very loudly

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Ki savo

Tachas asher lo avadta...  Meirov kol.  Rashi b'od shehayah lachem kol tov.
What happened to the ROV?

The Meshech chochma splits the passuk to read tachas asher lo avadta es H'. The cause of which was b'simcha... Meirov kol. People got their joy from a lot of material pleasure. Truthfully Hashem wants us to be b'simcha but with the midah of hasameiach b'chelko as the beg.  of the parsha says v'samachta bchohatov asher nassan H' l'cha...

We must note the language here used is the same in the discussion of yakov and eisav.  Yesh li rov or kol. When one is focused on material they get caught into thinking how much. And usually it is how much of my goal did i reach. - at best, one would say alit of my dreams and wishes. But only someone who recognizes what he has as a gift from Hashem can say yesh li kol.

Perhaps thats pshatt in Rashi. Since people were getting their joy only meirov kol when Truthfully they had KOL TOV!

Now as we come to the year's close though there were great tzaros and we had to feel our brother's pain, we see that when we take stock we have to thank hashem for what He was nosein l'cha ul'beisecha.
Lets finish the year with avodas Hashem b'simcha miKOL Tov!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Ki seitzei

Gra b'ish.  Death for Cheit -  shogeg?
When taken to gallows charatah from fear naseh shgagos. Now b'ish only chet shogeg is left...

Ki seitzei lamilchama balei drush say war on yetzer.  But this is peleh! War with yetzer is milchemes mitzvah and chiyuv!  Not milchemes r'shus!?

Answer based on pituchei chosam ohr hachaim & more...
Already passed did teshuvah. Vnusan Hbyadecha.  Renew the war as reshus renewed charata & regret for yhe sake of shavisa shivYo! That the sattan took captive from YOU!  all the ma'alos that you lost out besides for actual sin capture back with teshuvah b'ahavah

Saturday, September 6, 2014