The Netziv in Ha'amek Davar notes a simple change in the language of one of the p'sukim in this week's parsha. When the Yidden complained about not having water they said למה זה העליתנו...להמית אותי... "Why did this one raise us from the land of Egypt, to kill me?"
The Netziv explains that these Jews understood that Moshe took them out to live life on another plain of existence. To live above the norms of טבע. (As they said העליתנו) However, they felt that this may be ok for the general Klall, but they themselves did not feel up to this madreigah. Perhaps the Yidden could live in the desert without water for years and therefore they could not speak for the klall. But as a yachid, each of these people could speak for themselves to say that they are not up to this task.
However their own words were a self – fulfilling prophecy. In truth, of course there are Jews on very different levels. But what they were not aware of, or what they chose to not notice, was their focus on their being a yechidim, apart from the klall. The Rasha in the Haggadah is criticized not for his sins, but לפי שהוציא את עצמו מן הכלל . The tzadikim don't run an exclusive club. It's up to the simple folk to include themselves and bond with tzadikim on whatever level they are on. Just don't think you're different!
We all sometimes feel that – oh, that level of honesty in business, that level of midos, tznius, hasmadah, shmiras einayim, lashon horah, - (whatever!) is not for me. "I'm not holding there." That may be true, but there is a way to raise the bar – Don't exclude yourself. Join the club.
When the aravah is bound to, and taken with the lulav, in some manner it gets more credit than the Esrog! It is taken in the right hand and the bracha is made al netilas lulav!
So if you're feeling down, it may feel a bit uncomfortable to be a tail of a lion, but don't look at yourself so much! Look at the rest of the people you are with and you'll become the pride of the lions!