
Tuesday, July 3, 2012


onaas devarim rashi says giving bad advice. isn't that lifney iver? Also this is not like any cases in the gemarah? also why did rashi give 2 - don't agitate him & advice?
maharal aggados b.m. 58b "how much is this" is prime example of ona'ah which means to denegrate the worth of another tzelem elokim. Abusing him for your boredom is treating him like an object. The chidush is that the Other examples are ALSO onaah. b/c even though the words may hurt him he still has value as human just LESS b/c of old ma'asim..

Rashi didn't really say BAD advice, rather advice for the good of the advisor so its not lifnei iver 'michshol' . rather ona'ah. Offering advice for another as if to help him when it is actually for self, is
abusing, denegrading & taking advantage of the seeker's lack of wisdom.