Eikev. Baruch mikol amim...v'heisir kol choli.
obviously if so blessed then no choli?!
B.m. 107 -ayin ra 99/100 rov/kol.
Simple - you'll be blessed above all & Hashem will still make sure no ayin hora.
But drush...
darash moshe -vayar'ivecha...mann. Their complaint of hunger brought the mann. They could've been like their clothing which since they never wxpreased concern Hashem didn't have to replenish, rather it grew & refreshed..their bodies could've been higher level than mann!
We see that we can limit our level by thinking limited.
Medrash halacha brings tos ry''d in b.k. That one's ayin ra on himself can be more powerful than others upon him!
M.h. Also brings kesef mishneh (brachos 1.13) & yerushalmi baruch tihyeh mikol amim.. Answer amen to goy's brachah to you.
If so - when you are open to brachah so much that even accept from goy, then you won't make ayin ra on self!
Think big. Harchev picha..