
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Avos 1.3

Antignos Ish Socho was used to saying Don't be like a slave who serves al m'nas l'kabel pras.....
What is the connection to the mishnah earlier, that the world stands on Torah Avodah & Gemilus Chassasim?

'AL' is a very prohibitive language which seems out of place in Avos?
If it is prohibited, then we must make sure we're not transgressing it... Aren't we all serving for reward or at least using the reward punishment system as a powerful incentive? - Isn't that what the Torah writes about all over? - How can Antignos prohibit it?

It doesn't say "Al ta'avod" describing the act, rather a long lashon of 'al tihiyu k'avodim' describing the person?

It says al mnas as opposed to 'k'deiy l'kabel...' ?

Why 'Avodim hamishamshim' as opposed to 'ha'ovdim'?

What is the meaning of 'pras'?
[It seems like Rashi & Rambam argue, as Rashi uses the wors 'schar' & the Rambam outrightly says it does not mean schar.
However its possible that Rashi means like the Rambam, as follows. Don't serve Hashem for expected payment of taking care of your needs, because in reality that's expecting pras an undeserved gift - because payment doesn't take place in olam hazeh. So the Mishnah uses the term pras according to reality - don't serve expecting a prize.]

Rashi & Rambam both say the point is to serve out of love. Isn't that too lofty of a madreigah to say don't be .... ONLY serve out of love? Also, why is Yir'as shamayim mentioned almost as a side note?

The Mishnah is not saying what to DO, rather who to BE. Don't BE like a slave who serves 'al mnas' conditionally. So perhaps this doesn't really apply to us as none of use would say I'm a frum Jew on condition that things work out well for me. We're way ahead of that! Is Antignos coming to teach basics or 'mili d'chassidus'?

We are not talking about the eved's avodah. Rather the eved's 'simush'. shimush is very diferent from avodah. Avodah refers to hard work that is profit oriented & impersonal. Shimush is a personal service & is usually more delicate. This is perhaps chassidus, that MUST be out of love. So even if general avodah mei'ahavah is not everyone's level, regarding 'shimush' it is integral. It is also more readily assumed that if I am doing extra than I should get 'brownie points' - not pay, but a pras. Also it is more probable for the 'al m'nas' to apply, as one may do extra conditionally to be treated extra special in response.

In this regard perhaps the mishnayos flow from what the spiritual energy the world at large exists upon. Then the spiritual existance of man. Then how to express & spread that to the world - through a proper home (see maharal on next mishnah).

However the Chassid Ya'avetz says the next 2 mishnayos explain 'al haTorah & al Gemilus Chassadim'. This mishnah describes the pillar of avodah - tefilah.
As above, this is not telling us how to actually daven but our character & approach - who we are when we daven.

'Tefilah tzorech gavoah' in a certain regard tefilah is more of 'service' to the 'eibeshter' than all mitzvos, as they are all self serving to develop ourselves. Tefilah is avodas halev so requiring an emotion whether of love or yir'ah is not a 'madreigah' rather it is intrinsic to what tefilah is.
This is certainly a form of avodah which is quite common to be 'conditional'. Although we understand that not all we ask for is best for us, there is a common expectation for things to be better if we 'daven good'. This is true to the point that a tremendousiy laxed mannerism is prevelant with tefilah because it is 'al m'nas' & 'results' are not noticed enough to fulfil the 'condition'.

For this Antignos warns prohibitively DONT BE LIKE A SERVANT WHO SERVES HIS MASTER CONDITIONAL ON RECEIVING.... That would truthfully redefine tefilah to be self-serving! This is not just midas chassidus, but the definition of what tefilah is. - An Eved serving his Master selflessly.

What a new perspective on prayer!