
Saturday, January 4, 2014


R gedaliah Schor brings a Rashba in menachos who asks how the yidden could've had the mitzvah of tefilin if the other two parshios come up in the Torah only in sefer devarim & the 4 parshiyos are 'm'akvin zeh es zeh'!
the ohr gedaliah says that perhaps these parshios were independant of the Torah - they were created
specifically for tefilin & then put in the Torah.

We see from here that instead of using the Torah for parshios tefilin, in a certain way Tefilin preceded the Torah. & the parshios of tefilin became part of the Torah!
This is not surprising, as specifically the parshah described in bo says L'maan tehiyeh Toras Hashem b'ficha. - the tefilin are here to produce Torah!

We see a tremendous lesson here. Torah is so lofty, a human body can't attain it! - we need the kedushah of tefilin to prepare our bodies to be fitting for Torah!

Now although our bodies need not be involved for torah study, & it can be learned in our mind, we see that the madreigah of - b'ficha - torah in your mouth - requires preparation.

Spoken words of Torah are on an entirely different level. Torah is primarily a mitzvah she'll dibur - vdibarta bam.... Hevel pihem...

in a world of online shiurim and divrei torah on the radio, which is wonderful and they should be used more and more, this should arouse awareness of our lack of spoken words of Torah. It is a specific challenge for our bodies to speak divrei torah. May we all pay attention to reach that level and be zoche to 'ki l'chaim heim l'motzi'eim'.