Yisro 19.1 - bachodesh.... Bayom haZEH bau midbar sinai. rashi- like today. Ohr gedaliah - torah not for another 6-7 days?! Bachodesh - ba chodesh the month Moshe was anticipating arrived..
We see not only to look forward to mattan torah itself , but even the arrival of sivan! What's pshatt?
R' Yeruchom - Ilu kirvanu lifnei har sinai dayeinu. Need keilim - a vessel or recepticle to receive torah. What a madreigah to be READY for receiving Torah!
in ruchniyus only a kli malei is machzik. We were malei! Raishis chachmah yiras Hashem! BRIMMING TO THE TOP with Yir'ah!
sefiras ha'omer was kidshanu so far, we should be excited with anticipation - &
fill up on yirah & achdus & may we be zocheh....