Why is it that of all places the ever important tremendous mitzvah of kiddush Hashem is stated within the halachos of (improper thoughts of)a korbon?
In bamakheilos barchu we say shekein chovas kol hayitzurim lefonecha ....L'hodos the first in the list of Duties of all mankind. In Yishtabach the last form of praise to Hashem is "v'hodaos".
(in hindsight I think yishtabach is listed from top down)
Perhaps one refers to a simple level of hoda'ah that is the duty of any creature - to e thankful for the noticeable good that stands out & calls our attention. while yishtabach refers to the constant recognition that all is from Hashem & we thank Him for everything.
The trait of hod is the capability to bend in response to soroundings which sereves as the baseline potential for 'hadar' to spring back. (see pachad yitzchak on chanukah along these lines.)
The basis for thanks is that there is a response to a situation. We are moved & affected & brought to a point where we react accordingly.
Emor begins with the mitzvah of aveilus which the sefer chinuch explains that 'yehudim' don't look at death r"l as just nature taking its course, but as a message to improve.
perhaps this is another reason for the name Yehudi. We recognize all to be an act of G-D. This is our name, our essence.
This is the minimal status of a Jew. - He is MOVED. He REacts. He REsponds.He RElates. It is the DUTY of all mankind to at least react to a supernatural event but its the essence of a Yehudi to see & react & relate to Hashem with everything that happens.
R' Yeruchom on 'Lo yitamei baal b'amov L'hachalo' explains the importance of keeping one's elevated state & by all means not to allow a madreigah to be lost in the mundane.
when someone is a "BA'AL" madreigah of any type, there is an influence of G-D in himself. Madreigos, though acquired by human effort are really a gift of divine G-Dliness to the person in reward for his effort. Its chilul, is truthfully a real chilul Hashem.
If Hoda'ah is part of the essence of a Yehudi, then the offering of a korbon todah is perhaps the greatest form of self expression of the basic madreigah of a Jew. A deviation - even just in the MIND - of the use of this korban is a truest form chilul of the G-D of the Yehudim.