why not yeast or honey but salt is not only allowed but required? How do these 3 ingedients realteChinuch - sod. rmbn intro mishkan/korbon to retain lasting kurvah even after sin.
3 approaches to making something last. Taking it slow, - s'or - chometz delaying fulfilling one's tafkid & slowing down his avodah to extend is not an option.
Sorrounding oneself either with 'life preservers" to constantly be me'orer & coach him, or with sheilds blocking out the challenging environment - dvash - also will work a bit but not the proper approach.
slat brings out the good from within. We have to draw from the resevior of good Hashem put in us. & from there reach a long term relationship. this is pwerful enough even if one is exposed to the environment. The inner traits we ourselves posses were custom made for our challenges.