
Monday, May 14, 2012

Avos 4:2

3 kesarim. Gr"yz said be creful of common misinterpretation.

kesser torah... shem tov - 4th!?
many praiseworthy middos in avos why are these 3 called 'crowns'? & to the exclusion of what?

see rashi & rambam.

Kesser sets one apart. Zer - like zar - estranges from others. me'urav bein habrios is very important. But Lo yitama ba'al b'amav - see targum, sforno, & ramban see da'as torah. Status level can't be sacrificed by being one of the boys. Maran - L'kach nivcharta elevated level of who you are demands up to mesirus nefesh!

kesser od these separates - theyestange somewhat & s Me'iri write the 1/64 of ga'avah. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ELEVATED STATUS through shem tov alone!!! Rather through the others

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Emor sefirah

ramban - end of sukkos - atzeres- speaks in riddles about days of sefirah... yesod v'shoresh says don't bother with kavonos, too deep for most. Rather be aware the words you're about to say do tremendous things....

This shows that the power of speech - even without even understanding what's going on - has huge effects! Kal v'chomer when we do understand - words of tefilah, chizuk or pain....


gedolim for k'tanim - intro to lag b'omer shabbos 33b is k'tanim taking place of tzadikom... Achrei mos kedoshim - emor - to k'tanim. Aznaim L'torah - 'gedolim' (doesn't say avos L'banim) can recognize the precious value of our children.


R' akiva starts series with syagim - he followed 1st mishah. - misunim - he began at 40. He'emidu talmidim harbeh - 24,000. But after all that - no investment is safe. 'asu syag L'Torah.....
Kalus rosh margil L'ervah - ervah is just surface - 'skin deep' no depth of relationship (R' Hirsch). Kiddushin not tofes - no reltionship. 'Surfing' the net - with no koved rosh rather the shallow empty head bobbing to & fro is margil ervah with no syag.


R' akiva schok v'kalus margilin. R' yonah - whole mishna syagim - means kpved & yirah syag L'ervah, - but didn't say it?! (R' Y. Emden) syag means safety cushion. For ervah there is none. Constant need for koved & yirah. No safe relaxed zone. Safety for wealth? has 100 wants 200? - chasam sofer if give maaser, it will provide sense of sameach b'chelko. Safety for prishus see R' Yonah. Safety for chochmah - retain & don't spill all your contents (similar to chassid ya'avetz)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Kedoshim. Tanchuma 9 plant trees, if zoche you eat, if X, plant for others. kedusha acc. sharei yoshor. Asifa - 4 us or others.