
Saturday, January 4, 2014


R gedaliah Schor brings a Rashba in menachos who asks how the yidden could've had the mitzvah of tefilin if the other two parshios come up in the Torah only in sefer devarim & the 4 parshiyos are 'm'akvin zeh es zeh'!
the ohr gedaliah says that perhaps these parshios were independant of the Torah - they were created
specifically for tefilin & then put in the Torah.

We see from here that instead of using the Torah for parshios tefilin, in a certain way Tefilin preceded the Torah. & the parshios of tefilin became part of the Torah!
This is not surprising, as specifically the parshah described in bo says L'maan tehiyeh Toras Hashem b'ficha. - the tefilin are here to produce Torah!

We see a tremendous lesson here. Torah is so lofty, a human body can't attain it! - we need the kedushah of tefilin to prepare our bodies to be fitting for Torah!

Now although our bodies need not be involved for torah study, & it can be learned in our mind, we see that the madreigah of - b'ficha - torah in your mouth - requires preparation.

Spoken words of Torah are on an entirely different level. Torah is primarily a mitzvah she'll dibur - vdibarta bam.... Hevel pihem...

in a world of online shiurim and divrei torah on the radio, which is wonderful and they should be used more and more, this should arouse awareness of our lack of spoken words of Torah. It is a specific challenge for our bodies to speak divrei torah. May we all pay attention to reach that level and be zoche to 'ki l'chaim heim l'motzi'eim'.


arbeh choshech & makkas b'choros all involved darkness.
Choshech is perhaps the least fathomable of all the makkos, & i'm not coming to to make it any more understandable. But just to share an insight.

Medrash rabbah asks where did this choshech come from. One answers m'l'maalah from Hashem's surroundings. The other shitah says from gehinom.

nesivos shalom asks bishlomoh from gehinom we can imagine darkness, - but around Hashem its all LIGHT - ohr! how can darkness come from there?

he says we see from here that what for some is complete light for others can be darkness.

The vilna gaon says that (some kind of) darkness is really such blinding light that it is dark!

Gemara shabbos regarding the menorah tosafos brings medrash that all 40 yrs in midbar the Jews could see in the dark & even behind walls & in boxes etc.

its somewhat childish to assume a light shined wherever they looked.... There existed a constant ohr that for those who wished to avoid it & sleep etc. It was dark & those that needed saw perfectly.

We may say that the locust created a typical darkness of absecence of light. - they blocked the sunlight & blocked the view of the earth.
Choshech was a 'borei choshech' a creation of darkness that was light for some & dark for others.

Makkas bechoros - cherev - zu gilui shechina. Ani v'lo malach. Such a revelation of ohr that it killed the evil leadership of the land.

The slonimer says the word n'tey yadcha refers to reaching to the heights to bring down the choshech.

The siman in shulchan aruch that deals with what we call ois bris kodesh is 240 - RaM - lofty. What by goyim is low & choshech for us is holy. I passed a shul 'zera kodesh' but couldn't tel certain people what it means. We say that zera is 'meor einav shel adam' - & one who abuses it loses his clarity of sight.

The difference between ohr & choshech is if the material is just materilistic it is choshech. (All of existance just by its physical state shades Hashem's presence. its harder to be aware of Hashem's presence in front of something we see, than in the sky.) but when any matter is used for a good purpose it an ohr is present - you can see the meaning and spirituality & Hashem's existance.

That is the difference between the most purposeful substance & its hashchasah.

May we use all of olam hazeh enfused with meaning & purpose & may we live our life filled with layihudim husah oirah v'simcha