
Sunday, May 15, 2016

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 Kedoshim lifnei iver. Peyos also a problem to give jewish barber aveira. Es shabsosai tishmoru mikdashi tira'u meshech chochma day off leads to breakdown in kedusha...   

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 Kedoshim...Ish imo v'aviv tira'u. Whats connection. Why ISH why IMO why YIRAH not kavod.  Last parsah IS kedusha - geder ervah. or ramban kadesh b'mutar. But how to develop thiS L'maleh miteva midah? Yiras am v'av yirah is lo sa'aseh - restraints from infancy is the training for self restraint - kedusha. Thats why mother & ish - gadol - not childish fear from smack. That was first step but what develops frim that is gadol fearing greatness of mother. - self restraint & kedusha. We must thank our parents for our kedusha training & we must do so for our kids.