
Saturday, July 7, 2012


bilam had 1 redeeming quality, his 1 blind eye -acc to the be'sht - targum says shapir chazi (see aish dus) but what quality did balak have to have a parshah in his name?

Maharil asks why satart vayar balak then switch to moav...
grach asks why not say melech right away

maharil saw what yidden did & SAW moav's fear, yiush, & comment that we're lost b/c we don't even have a king -just a 'temp'. this lack of confidence the nation had in him drove him.....

Grach says he saw before he became king what yidden did & told moav ....then they appointed him...

Mishlei 24 echezeh, ashis libim ra'isi, lakachti mussar. Meraglim got to step 3 - ra'u - but 'lo lakchu mussar'.

Balak was roeh es hanolad, as opposed to bilam. All the messages fell on deaf ears to bilam, but balak internalized & acted upon what he saw! That's a huge ma'alah.

we know the message of yimei bein hamitzarim - the three weeks, but we have to apply it loke'ach mussar.