
Monday, October 29, 2012

Lech L'cha

Rashi seems like naturally traveling diminishes the 3 things & therefore Avraham needed brachos. Medrash says mashal like bottle of perfume that only by moving it around can its scent be smelled. - seems like it was natural?

Many ask what was taking so long that our parsha begins w Avraham at age 75?

Rashi says that Hashem told avraham to leave home to make known 'tiv'acha' - your nature. - that's what took long - for avraham's great maalos to become ingrained as his NATURE. - that is why we call them our avos. - the challenges they overcame became part of their - & our d.n.a.

For someone who's ma'alos are not yet his teva, travel will further shake them from becoming established. However now - @ 75 when they became Avraham's teva, then like the perfume the aroma will be noticed by all & not diminished.
So rashi says Hashem assured avaraham with the blessing that these ma'alos will grow & not leave him. - a bracha only brings out the natural quality that's already there.

One ma'aloh the medrash says about avraham is that he was 'om ani choma' - he withstood all the currents of the world that were against him.

Thae character that we inherit from the avos is in our nature & needs little effort to bring into action.

B'cha chosmin' - with your zechus will be the closing statement & geulah.

now in the dor of ikvisah d'mishicha - we must be aware & use the ma'alah of chomah - let's keep the commitments we made of blocking, limiting & filtering the world wide web out of our lives. It is possible. Bazeh nizkeh Lachtom.