
Monday, February 4, 2013


koh tomrun l'beis yakov V'saged l'bnei yisrael. Women first. Har tzvi takeid w yud? & why repeat few psukim later - eileh jad'varim, already said koh?
R frank answers first moshe would say to women AND THEN IT WOULD BE SAID -v'sageid w yud - BY THE WOMEN TO THE MEN. ( moshe softly to ladies & then they harshly to the men! Then Hashem told Moshe that he too should tell the men as well.
how much is placed in the responsibility of the women!

rambam writes that most men only develop from the da'as of their mothers to the da'as od their wives!

Besides for respect a hakoras hatov to our n'shei chayil, we must realize that they need a source from where to get their inspiration from. We must recognize that they depend on us to feed them small doses of Torah inspiration & they in turn will strengthen it in us & our children tenfold.
If we want to get a powerful 'sageid l'bnei yisroel' from them we have to continuously feed them a soft 'tomrun l'beis yakov'