
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Avos 3.1

Akavyah be mehalalel says to look at 3 things & you won'tcome to sin. KNOW from where you've come. Where you're going & to Whom you will give an accounting.

He then seems to repeat?
Also why the 1st time in statement form - KNOW where.. & 2nd time in question?
Also, why the first time does he not say the answer but in the repeat he says the answers.
Also, what was the need to number them?
Chasid Ya'avetz asks what's connection to next mishnah - pray for peace of govt. ? & the next many are all about Torah.?
interesting to see that Rashi says the passuk "uz'chor es bor'echa" is the source for all three. As a matter of fact, they're all learned from the SAME WORD!!! so it seems like the 3 may not be so distinctly separate as we thought!
another thing to ponder is, if the mishanh can garuantee safety from sin from this seemingly simple excercise, whay are we all not doing this & saving ourselves????

perhaps the repetition informs us that the tanna was talking to two different types of people. And perhaps we can say that is why the 3 may be learned from one word. To the understanding person, all three statements arrive at the same goal. zchor Bor'echa. His Neshome came from Hashem - man dlnofach midilei nafach. & his soul is returning & presenting itself with its accounting before Hashem.

He does not need the answers. He KNOWS.
The other needs to ponder the question as is so mixed up, he needs to be guided to the answers.

The chassid yavetz says the next mishnah comes to argue on ours by saying, don't expect the 'hamon am' to bring this to fruition. The only real eitzah to protect from sin is what's described in the rest of the perek - Torah. For all those who will not make use of Torah Tavlin, we'll just have to pray for the wellfare of the Government & its Law enforcement agencies, because otherwise people will be eating each other alive.