
Saturday, July 28, 2018


As we experienced the "potch" of the three weeks in the Haftorahs of mussar and 9 av itself, we are commanded in the Parsha of  Shabbos Nachamu to exercise the goal of all Mitzvos - Loving Hashem.

It is well known that the Rambam in Yad Hachazakah writes that the way to fulfill Ahavas Hashem is studying the marvels of nature and recognizing the Infinite Wisdom if its Creator. In Sefer HaMitzvos the Rambam gives two paths to Ahavas Hashem, Either studying nature of the depths of the Infinite Wisdom in the Torah.
Rashi seems to argue and say the only option is Torah. On the words והיו הדברים האלה, Rashi explains that this passuk is describing ומהו האהבה? What is love? והיו הדברים האלה... Through the words of Torah one recognizes Hashem and attaches himself to His ways.

R' Hai Gaon goes out of his way to clearly argue upon the Rambam's approach. He writes that although a person is filled with emotion, love, and awe when seeing the greatness contained in nature, and he wants to attach himself to its Creator, he still doesn't know WHO to attach to! R' Hai Gaon likens this to the beneficiary of the generous kindness and care of a wise loving king, but never has actually gotten to meet or know the King! So too, a person studying nature recognizes that there is a great, loving, and wise Creator, and he'd love to get to know and relate to Him, but without Torah we don't know who to relate to. Torah expresses Hashem's "personality" כביכול. It is Hasem's "interests, will, and "thoughts". Nature can help arouse our emotions, but only through Torah can we truly love Hashem.

As of Tu B'Av we have a specific mitzvah to add to our learning and to connect Day with Night by fusing them in bein Hashmashos with Torah. Regarding one who does not do so, says the Mishnah in Avos  - ודלא מוסיף יסף.

So I will extend my vort a bit. It is noted that although the general rule is that מצוות עשה are under the "umbrella" of ahavah, and לא תעשה are in the realm of Yirah, it seems strange that the mitzvah of ahavas Hashem is expressed by restraining from the 3 chamuros - Avodah zarah, giluy arayos, & shefichas damim - all of which are לא תעשה!

We see a simple but wonderful lesson here. Yes, while in general, refraining from לא תעשה requires at least some level of Yirah, it is possible and perhaps PREFERABLE, to also rise to the level of ahavah and refrain from transgressing an aveirah out of LOVE for Hashem! Every restraint of ours from something we'd like to do, can be done as "gift" of mesirus nefesh for Hashem out of love! Ahavas Hashem is not only its own mitzvah to feel love, but also it is a mitzvah to be incorporated into EVERY mitzvah we do & every aveirah we refrain from!
How much more of a positive attitude is experienced when one says to himself, "you know, I love this _______ but I want to give up that passion or interest for the Love of Hashem"! Chances are it is an approach that can be a lot more successful with our generation and its nisyonos.
May we all be zocheh to practice this approach and enjoy middah k'negged middah, a shower of Brachos and Love from Hashem.